an online school for ladakh-specific courses on

science, mathematics, computing & AI

We believe in kids and youngsters of Ladakh ...

We have started an online school for Ladakh-specific courses on science, mathematics, and engineering. Yes, we are committed to readying Ladakh for the modern world and ultimately for the age of AI with affordable high-quality online courses in Ladakhi Language.
Unfortunately as of now we have very few resources, because most of our team members are unable to connect with us. Due to this COVID-19 outbreak. But we has launched a concise unique Initiative in Ladakh to ensure the children while remaining confined at homes, make the best use of their available time and get educated through ‘Online Schooling’.

For the next 21 days we will upload a video tutorial on various topics that are; More general in science and mathematics,
Fundamental Concepts in science and mathematics,
Important Principles and Laws, and
Students requested topics.


XI Class Physics

  • Physical World; Intro to Physics.
  • Units and measurements; SI Units, Accuracy, Precision of instruments and Errors in Measurement, Significant Figures, Dimensions of Physical Quanities.
  • Motion in a straight line; Position, Path Length and Displacement, Average Velocity and Average Speed, Acceleration, Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion, Relative Velocity.
  • Motion in a plane; Scalars and Vectors, Addition and Subtraction of Vectors (Graphical Method), Resolution of Vectors, Motion in a Plane, Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration, Relative Velocity in 2D, Projectile Motion.
  • Laws of Motion; Aristotile's Fallacy and the Law of Inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion, Newton's Second Law of Motion, Conservation of Momentum, Equilibrium of a Particle, Common Forces in Mechanics, Frictions, Circular Motion, Problems Solving in Mechanics.
  • Work, Energy and Power; The Scalar Product, Notion of Work and Kinetic Energy: The Work Energy Theorem, Work, Kinetic Energy, Work done by Variable Force, The Work-Energy Theorem for a Variable Force, The Concept of Potential Energy, The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy, The Potential Energy of a Spring,Various Forms of Energy: The Law & Principle of Conservation of Energy, Power, Collisions, Collisions in 1D and 2D.
  • Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion; Motion of a Rigid Body, Center of Mass, Motion of a Center of Mass, Linear Momentum of a System of Particles, Vector Product of Two Vectors, Angular Velocity and Its Relation with Linear Velocity, Torque and Angular Momemtum, Equilibrium of a Rigid Body, Centre of Gravity, Moment of Inertia, Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem, Kinematics of Rotational Motion About a Fixed Axis, Dynamics of Rotational Motion About a Fixed Axis, Angular Momentum in Case of Rotation About a Fixed Axis, Rolling Motion.
  • Gravitation; Keepler's Laws, Universal Law of Gravitation, The Gravitational Constant, Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth, Acceleration Due to Gravity: Below and Above the Surface of Earth, Gravitational Potential Energy, Escape Speed, Earth Satellites, Energy of an Orbiting Satellite, Geostationary and Polar Satellites, Weightlessness.

X Class Mathematics

  • Real Numbers; Euclid's Division Lemma and Algorithm, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Revisiting Irrational Numbers, Revisiting Rational Numbers and Thear Decimal Expansions.
  • Polynomials; Zeroes of Polynomial (Geometrical Meaning), Relationship between Zeroes and C0efficient of a Polynomial, Division Algorithm for Polynomials.
  • Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables;Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables, Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations (Graphical Method), Algebric Method of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations;
    1. Substitution Method,
    2. Elimination Method,
    3. Cross-Multiplication Method.
    Equations Reducible to a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables.
  • Quadratic Equations; Quadratic Equations, Solution of Quadratic Eqution by Factorisation, Solution of Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square, Nature of Roots.
  • Arithmetic Progression;A rithmetic Prograssion, nth Term of an AP, Sum of Tirst n Terms of an AP.
  • Triangles; Similar Figures, Similarity of Triangles, Criteria for Similarity of Triangles, Areas of Similar Triangles, Pythagoras Theorem.
  • Coordinate Geometry; Distance Formula, Section Formula, Area of a Triangle,
  • Introduction to Trignometry; Trignometric Ratios, Trignometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles, Trignometric Ratios of Complementary Angles, Trignometric Identities.
  • Some Applications of Trignometry;Heights and Distances.
  • Circles; Tangent to a Circle, Number of Tangents from a Point on a Circle.
  • Constructions; Division of a Line Segment, Construction of Tangents to a Circle.
  • Areas Related to Circles (optional);Perimeter and Area of a Circle, Area of Sector and Segment of a Circle, Area of Combination of Plane Figures.
  • Surface Areas and Volumes; Surface Area of a Combination of solids, Volume of a Combination of Solids, Conversion of Solid from One Shape to Another, Frustum of a Cone
  • Statistics; Mean of Grouped Data, Mode of Grouped Data, Median of Grouped Data, Graphical Representation of Comulative Frequency Distribution.
  • Probability; Probability- A Theoretical Approach.

X Class Science (Physics)

  • Light Reflection and Refraction; Reflection of Light,Spherical Mirrors,Refraction of Light.
  • The Human Eye and Colourful World; The Human Eye, Defects of Vision and Their Correction, Refraction of Light Through a Prism, Dispersion of White Light by a Glass Prism, Atmospheric Refraction, Scattering of Light,
  • Electricity; Electric Current and Circuit, Electric Potential and Potential Difference, Circuit Diagram, Ohm's Law, Factors on which the Resistance of a Conductor Depends, Resistance of a System of Resistors, Heating Effect of Electric Current, Electric Power.
  • Magnetic Effect of Electric Current; Magnetic Field and Field Lines, Magnetic Field Due to a Current-Carrying Conductor, Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic Induction, Electric Generator, Domestic Electric Circuits.


XII Class Mathematics

XI Class Mathematics

IX Class Mathematics

VIII Class Mathematics

VII Class Mathematics

VI Class Mathematics

XII Class Physics

IX Class Physics

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