Ladakh Encyclopedia


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May 2020

  • Light Reflection and Refraction; Reflection of Light,Spherical Mirrors,Refraction of Light.
  • The Human Eye and Colourful World; The Human Eye, Defects of Vision and Their Correction, Refraction of Light Through a Prism, Dispersion of White Light by a Glass Prism, Atmospheric Refraction, Scattering of Light,

June 2020

  • Electricity; Electric Current and Circuit, Electric Potential and Potential Difference, Circuit Diagram, Ohm's Law, Factors on which the Resistance of a Conductor Depends, Resistance of a System of Resistors, Heating Effect of Electric Current, Electric Power.
  • Magnetic Effect of Electric Current; Magnetic Field and Field Lines, Magnetic Field Due to a Current-Carrying Conductor, Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic Induction, Electric Generator, Domestic Electric Circuits.

July 2020

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