Ladakh Encyclopedia


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May 2020

  • Physical World; Intro to Physics.
  • Units and measurements; SI Units, Accuracy, Precision of instruments and Errors in Measurement, Significant Figures, Dimensions of Physical Quanities.
  • Motion in a straight line; Position, Path Length and Displacement, Average Velocity and Average Speed, Acceleration, Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion, Relative Velocity.

June 2020

  • Motion in a plane; Scalars and Vectors, Addition and Subtraction of Vectors (Graphical Method), Resolution of Vectors, Motion in a Plane, Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration, Relative Velocity in 2D, Projectile Motion.
  • Laws of Motion;Aristotile's Fallacy and the Law of Inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion, Newton's Second Law of Motion, Conservation of Momentum, Equilibrium of a Particle, Common Forces in Mechanics, Frictions, Circular Motion, Problems Solving in Mechanics.

July 2020

  • Work, Energy and Power; The Scalar Product, Notion of Work and Kinetic Energy: The Work Energy Theorem, Work, Kinetic Energy, Work done by Variable Force, The Work-Energy Theorem for a Variable Force, The Concept of Potential Energy, The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy, The Potential Energy of a Spring,Various Forms of Energy: The Law & Principle of Conservation of Energy, Power, Collisions, Collisions in 1D and 2D.
  • Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion;Motion of a Rigid Body, Center of Mass, Motion of a Center of Mass, Linear Momentum of a System of Particles, Vector Product of Two Vectors, Angular Velocity and Its Relation with Linear Velocity, Torque and Angular Momemtum, Equilibrium of a Rigid Body, Centre of Gravity, Moment of Inertia, Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem, Kinematics of Rotational Motion About a Fixed Axis, Dynamics of Rotational Motion About a Fixed Axis, Angular Momentum in Case of Rotation About a Fixed Axis, Rolling Motion.
  • Gravitation;Keepler's Laws, Universal Law of Gravitation, The Gravitational Constant, Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth, Acceleration Due to Gravity: Below and Above the Surface of Earth, Gravitational Potential Energy, Escape Speed, Earth Satellites, Energy of an Orbiting Satellite, Geostationary and Polar Satellites, Weightlessness.
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